Temperature Control Solutions
Die Temperature Control Units. Oil. Water. Jet Coolers. Rebuild.
Die temperature units using oil (Max 392F) or water (Max 446F). Single and Dual Zone. Cleaning Units. Cleaning Solutions. Filtration Units. Chillers. Jet Coolers. Trial Units Available.
Regloplas, based in St. Gallen, Switzerland, maintains a wholly owned North American headquarters in St. Joseph, Michigan.
With thousands of applications operating in the United States, Regloplas Corporation is established to provide technical assistance, sales and service support for our customers in the United States, Canada and Mexico.
Industry specialists are available to handle technical questions and provide TCU training opportunities for production engineers, production supervisors and maintenance people in the plastic, rubber, die cast and various other industries. Regloplas Corporation is equipped to offer full service, full temperature run-up for all voltages and load ranges. Regloplas Corporation is also stocked with an inventory of replacement parts available for immediate delivery.